Knucklehead Strings 5-String Electric Bass Strings Reviews 3

I love everything about the way Knucklehead strings are marketed. They take subtle jabs at the southern redneck culture, throw in a corky drawn cartoon and well they get my money!

I found the website while surfing the 'net and took advantage of what the company calls a 'blind date' A Blind Date allows you to try 3 sets of strings: 2 guitar string sets and one set of bass strings out for get this, only $14.92! Even if the strings stunk, well I could use them for something.

The strings were easy to put on, the tension felt great, the tone was OK, not good, not bad and they intonated well.

I liked but didn't love the tone I got from these strings. Different players have different tastes and these were not for me. They were nickel wound and I have been on a steel string kick, I'm sure this played into the problem.

They felt great. I re-used the strings on a Squier bass and even boiled them. So, with the Blind Date, I'm def. getting my money's worth.

Worth a try. They are a great price, I just did not enjoy them as much as other strings. But names like Double-Wide, Super Mullet, Red-head 'Coustic strings and Combover, the company kept me amused enough to keep them around.

Billy rated this unit 3 on 2010-12-13.

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